The Mighty Muscadine Grape Packed In A Bottle

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Revolutionary Breakthrough from


A Delicious Botanical Beverage

For the past 100 years, Shaklee has been ahead of its time, innovating through science and looking to nature with breakthroughs that are now just a part of our everyday lives. Its continuous innovation has led to Vivix®, a revolutionary breakthrough in health. 

The Perfect Blend of Polyphenols

Besides the mighty super fruit, Muscadine Grape, it is combined with Rejuvetrol™ patent-pending blend of Japanese Knotweed Extract, Purple Carrot Extract and European Elderberry Extract to enhance the potency and to offer a broad spectrum of protection. Shaklee uses a patented extraction process to capture the power of antioxidants and polyphenols so you can live vibrantly with this delicious botanical beverage!


Nature’s Gift of Health

Polyphenol is a natural substance found in fruits, berries and vegetables. It is produced as part of a plant’s defence system in response to harsh environments such as invading germ, injury, infection, ultraviolet radiation and harsh climatic conditions. It also gives fruits, berries and vegetables their vivid and diverse range of colours.
Muscadine GrapeMuscadine Grape

Super Fruit with Super Antioxidant


Thanks to the extreme weather conditions muscadine grapes grow in, it’s not surprising that Muscadine Grape is nicknamed as “The Mighty Muscadine Grape”. It is bigger, its skin and seed are thicker and it has an extra chromosome than ordinary grapes from your local grocer. All these unique traits enabled Muscadine Grape to have immense antioxidant properties (6 to 8 times more than a blueberry!) as well as the highest amount of ellagic acid, a type of polyphenol. These polyphenols stimulate cellular pathways, involved in antioxidant defence, longevity and survival, and energy production.

Japanese Knotweed ExtractJapanese Knotweed Extract

High antioxidant

  • Promote healthy inflammation rate.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Inhibit blood platelet aggregation.

Purple Carrot ExtractPurple Carrot Extract

Contains anthocyanin

  • Promote healthy vision.
  • Improve elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Reduce inflammation.

European Elderberry ExtractEuropean Elderberry Extract

Contains anthocyanin

  • Boost immune protection.
  • Contain anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.
  • Promote development of normal and healthy cells.


4 Amazing Health Benefits of Polyphenols

In the last decade, there has been much interest in the potential health benefits of dietary plant polyphenols as antioxidant. To date, there are over 4,000 studies on the benefits of polyphenols showing its benefits to protect your body.

1. Cleanse and Detox

Study showed that polyphenols may promote normal liver function.

  • Protects the liver by helping the body to regulate internal body stress, reducing redness and swelling, and alleviating cell death in the liver.
  • Good news for people who are having fatigue and fatty liver problems or looking for a natural liver detox solution!
  • Polyphenols especially resveratrol mimics the health effects of fasting or calorie-reduction, which may help you lose weight.
  • It stimulates the same hormone that increases in individuals practicing caloric restriction.

2. Boosts Energy

Mitochondria is your main energy producer, fulfilling more than 90% of your body’s energy needs. Polyphenols also help to enhance your exercise performance.

  • Studies have shown that polyphenols help to speed up the production of mitochondria in our bodies.
  • Boosting mitochondria levels helps enhance body energy and reduce fatigue.
  • In one study, one of the most powerful polyphenols – resveratrol, not only boosted how efficiently rats ran on a treadmill by 21 percent, but it also helped their bodies break down fat and strengthened skeletal muscle, enhancing exercise performance.
  • Resveratrol appears to improve muscle mass and muscle regeneration in older adults, especially when used alongside exercise.

3. Glowing Skin

Recent clinical studies suggest that polyphenols may have the potential in protecting your skin against ultraviolet radiation (UV) damage and free radicals attack that lead to skin ageing to attain supple and radiant skin.

  • Boosts collagen production for taut skin.
  • Smoothens fine lines and wrinkles for younger-looking skin.

4. Improve Protection

Multiple research studies have demonstrated the functions of polyphenols in the prevention of abnormal cell growth. Researchers believe that the antioxidant function of polyphenols help:

  • Protect DNA from damage, which could trigger abnormal cell growth.
  • Support DNA replication for healthier cell functions.
  • Reduce inflammation by optimising the immune system.
  • Boost antioxidant levels in the body.
  • Reduce biological stress in the body.


Q: What is Vivix®?

A: A delicious botanical beverage contains Shaklee’s own botanical blend of Muscadine Grape Extract, European Elderberry Extract, Japanese Knotweed Extract and Purple Carrot Extract.

Q: What makes Vivix® different than other botanical beverage?

A: Our scientifically advanced, proprietary blend is based on muscadine grape – one of nature’s rarest, most potent fruits. Muscadine grapes contain the full complement of polyphenols found in other grapes. Unlike other grapes, muscadine boasts superior concentrations of ellagic acid and ellagitannins that, when combined with other polyphenols, yield immense antioxidant power.

At Shaklee, we harness this muscadine grape power in every bottle of Vivix® using a patented extraction process that concentrates and preserves bioactive polyphenols.

Q: What makes the muscadine grape different from other grapes?

A: Muscadine grapes are one of nature’s rarest, most potent grapes, with a unique polyphenol profile that offers a number of health benefits. Unlike other grapes, muscadine grapes boast superior concentrations of ellagitannins and ellagic acid that, when combined with other muscadine grape polyphenols, yield immense antioxidant power.

Muscadine grapes also thrive in harsh environments; their unique phenolic profile provides extra protection against bacteria, fungus, yeast, drought, excess moisture, and temperature extremes while other grapes are much more fragile in these environments.

Q: What are polyphenols?

A: The term polyphenols is used to describe a group of naturally occurring compounds found largely in fruits, berries and vegetables that have antioxidant benefits and potential protective effects against cellular ageing. In fact, emerging research suggests that polyphenols may elicit multiple biological effects consistent with sustained and improved human health.*

* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Q. Who would benefit from Vivix®?

A: Vivix® is designed for any adult concerned with healthy ageing and well-being. Vivix® is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women or anyone younger than 18 years old.

Q: How much Vivix® should I take in a day?

A: One teaspoon per day.

Q: When should I take Vivix®?

A: Take Vivix® daily, preferably with a meal such as breakfast or lunch. Shake well before taking the recommended serving of one teaspoon per day.

Q: Can I take more than one teaspoon per day?

A: According to the latest research, there does not appear to be any added benefit from taking more than the recommended serving of one teaspoon per day.

Q: Can I take Vivix® with my other Shaklee supplements?

A: Vivix® can be taken alongside all Shaklee supplements. Ideally, Vivix® would be taken with Shaklee Vita-Lea® Iron Plus, ESP Soy Protein Isolate Powder, Sustained Release Vita-C Plus, B-Complex and OmegaGuardTM to complement your daily nutritional needs. Consumption of all these essential nutrients, together with the polyphenols in Vivix®, deliver broad-spectrum nutritional support to your body and provide the foundation for a longer, healthier life.*

* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Q: Are there any precautions?

A: There are no known interactions between Vivix® or any of its ingredients and any other dietary supplements. As a precaution, we recommend that people who are under the care of a physician for a medical condition or disease or who are taking prescription medication, especially blood thinning medication discuss the use of Vivix® with their health care professional.

Q: Does Vivix® contain alcohol?

A: Vivix® does not contain alcohol.

Q: Is Vivix® certified as Halal?

A: Yes. Vivix® is certified Halal by the Islamic Services of America (ISA), the recognized foreign halal certification bodies and authorities by Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM).

Q: Is Vivix® registered under NPRA (National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency)?

A: No. The product is classified as food and falls under the purview of Malaysia Food Safety and Quality Department (FSQD).

Q: Why do I need to refrigerate after opening?

A: Refrigeration after opening will help to maintain optimal freshness, colour and maximum active ingredients in the product.

Let’s Learn About Vivix® (BM)

What Do People Love Most About Vivix?

The Science Behind Vivix®

Our cells are under attack by free radicals every minute . Vivix delivers a powerful dual defense at the cellular level using polyphenols, nature’s most potent antioxidant, to neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress and blunt the inflammatory response.

5 Amazing Facts About



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